Pamela Grace

Pamela has shown with us for the past three years and has grown a serious fan base in East Lothian. 

"I am an artist and printmaker living and working in Galloway. I started my career as a designer, training at the Scottish College of Textiles in Galashiels. My work is based on drawing - realised in pen and ink wash, etchings and solar-plate etchings. It reveals hidden micro-landscapes, glimpses of corners of gardens, allotments, and forgotten greenhouses. Sketches and larger colour drawings are often made on location and then developed in the studio, emboldening elements and using other techniques and processes to explore their potential." Pamela Grace

What is really striking about Pamela's work is the subtlety with which she captures complex scenes, full of detail and depth of field. Despite the intricacy and detail of her mark making, her pictures never look over-worked. We are particularly fond of her original pen and inks with additions of watercolour and ink washes.

"Summer Bench" Pen, Ink & Watercolour £400 (available in the gallery)

"Park Trees, Winter" Solar Plate etching £70 unframed, £110 framed

"April in the Garden" Solar Plate Etching with Watercolour

"Wayside Flowers" Pen, Ink & Watercolour £360 (available in the gallery)

"Allotment Gate, St Margarets" Solar Plate Etching with Watercolour £110 framed, £90 unframed

Etching using solar-plates is a technique which emerged from the early days of photographic engraving. A light sensitive metal plate is etched through the action of ultraviolet light enabling a wide range of tones to be bitten into the plate. The plate is then inked, wiped and printed on a traditional etching press, giving each print a unique character, enhanced by the combination of specialist inks and high quality traditional printing papers. To help understand the process of Solar Plate Etching better, Pamela has documented the process here:

Wiping excess ink away

Polishing the plate

Plate ready to print

Running the plate through the etching press

The print peeled from the plate


We usually have a great selection of Pamela's work in the gallery so please come and see it in the flesh, just beautiful.

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